The engine coolant is stored in the coolant reservoir located in the engine compartment. It plays an important role in the vehicle's functioning as it is involved in the engine´s cycles of expelling and absorbing coolant as it heats and cools: when the engine is cold, the cooling system pressure is low and more coolant is needed; when the engine is hot, the cooling system pressure is increased, so less coolant is needed.
In some vehicles, the coolant reservoir is an integral part of the system, and since it is also pressurized, the coolant reservoir becomes a more important component of engine safety. Since the coolant reservoir is part of the cooling system, its damage can quickly lead to issues. This is why you should pay attention to symptoms that can alert you of a problem and that it should be serviced.
1. Constantly low on coolant
Often the first symptom associated with a damaged or malfunctioning coolant reservoir is the necessity to keep adding coolant. If the reservoir ruptures or has a small leak, it may cause the coolant stored in it to leak or slowly evaporate. Leaks can be so small that they aren't noticeable, but they can cause the tank to empty over time. Leaks elsewhere in the engine can also cause the constant need to add coolant, so proper diagnosis is recommended.
2. Coolant leaks
Another symptom of a potential coolant reservoir problem is a coolant leak. If the coolant reservoir is cracked due to aging or overheating, it will leak. Small leaks can create steam and dripping water, while larger leaks can create water streams and puddles and a noticeable coolant smell.
3. Engine overheating
Another more serious symptom of a damaged or malfunctioning coolant reservoir is an overheating engine. If there is any problem with the coolant reservoir, preventing it from properly storing the coolant or pressurizing the system properly, it can cause the engine to overheat. Any problems that cause the engine to overheat should be resolved as soon as possible to avoid damage to the engine.
The coolant reservoir is a simple but important part of the cooling system, and if something goes wrong, it can quickly lead to overheating and even engine damage.
So, if you suspect a problem with your coolant recovery tank, have the vehicle inspected by a professional technician who will determine if your car needs to have the coolant reservoir replaced.
Your Forsch Team